I heard this song on the radio today when I was on my lunch break. The song instantly stuck with me and stuck a chord with my heart. This will become my nightly prayer, especially if I can find this song on CD or for piano. Because as we know, singing is praying twice! The lines in red are the phrases that speak most to me.
When it's all been said and done
There is just one thing that matters
Did I do my best to live for truth
Did I live my life for You?
When it's all been said and done
All my treasures will mean nothing
Only what I've done for love's Reward
Will stand the test of time
Lord Your mercy is so great
That You look beyond our Weakness
And find purest gold in miry clay
Making sinners into saints
I will always sing Your praise
Here on earth and ever after
For You've shown me
Heaven's my True home
When it's all been said and done
You're my life when life is gone
Lord I'll live my life for You
*Lord Jesus, when all is said and done, it is you that I have to answer to. Help me to be a faithful servant who can say that I have lived for you and done in my life what it is that you have asked of me. Help me to ask myself in prayer if I am living my life for you. Help me also to do what I can for your love's reward and help it to stand the test of time. Help me Jesus to see that Heaven is my true home. Help me Jesus to live my life for you. Thank you for everything dear Lord. Thank you, my sweet Jesus! Amen.*
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Wishing on Someone Else's Star
I have been a little down lately, and I found some lyrics to a song by Bryan White called, "Someone Else's Star."
Alone again tonight
Without someone to love
The stars are shining bright
So one more wish goes up
Oh I wish I may
And I wish with all my might
For the love I’m dreaming of
And missing in my life
You’d think that I could find
A true love of my own
It happens all the time
To people that I know
Their wishes all come true
So I’ve got to believe
There’s still someone out there who
Is meant for only me
I guess I must be wishing on
Someone else’s star
It seems like someone else keeps getting
What I’m wishing for
Why can’t I be as lucky
As those other people are
I guess I must be wishing
On someone else’s star
I sit here in the dark
And stare up at the sky
But I can’t give my heart
One good reason why
Everywhere I look
It’s lovers that I see
It seems like everyone’s in love
With everyone but me
I guess I must be wishing on
Someone else’s star
It seems like someone else keeps getting
What I’m wishing for
Why can’t I be as lucky
As those other people are
I guess I must be wishing
On someone else’s star
Why can’t I be as lucky
As those other people are
Oh, I guess I must be wishing
On someone else’s star
Alone again tonight
Without someone to love
The stars are shining bright
So one more wish goes up
Oh I wish I may
And I wish with all my might
For the love I’m dreaming of
And missing in my life
You’d think that I could find
A true love of my own
It happens all the time
To people that I know
Their wishes all come true
So I’ve got to believe
There’s still someone out there who
Is meant for only me
I guess I must be wishing on
Someone else’s star
It seems like someone else keeps getting
What I’m wishing for
Why can’t I be as lucky
As those other people are
I guess I must be wishing
On someone else’s star
I sit here in the dark
And stare up at the sky
But I can’t give my heart
One good reason why
Everywhere I look
It’s lovers that I see
It seems like everyone’s in love
With everyone but me
I guess I must be wishing on
Someone else’s star
It seems like someone else keeps getting
What I’m wishing for
Why can’t I be as lucky
As those other people are
I guess I must be wishing
On someone else’s star
Why can’t I be as lucky
As those other people are
Oh, I guess I must be wishing
On someone else’s star
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Pictures I have been promisin
Hello, Here are some pictures of events this summer that I have promised:
Grandpa Lambert and I climbed the Nicolet tower in June. You can see 3 states from the top of this tower. Grandpa is 91 and he climbed the tower better than I could!
Finally, a picture of my granite patio! Its wonderful to sit out there and enjoy the summer sun and breeze.

Hope you enjoyed! Time to go ice my knee again.
Well, last night I was part of an adventure at Fort Sisseton. There are many many ghost stories surrounding the Fort, and my dad was recruited for a family reunion to tell some of the stories from his many years of working at the Fort at night.
After the campfire stories, the crew went on a lantern tour to tour the buildings and the grounds. This is where I enter the story. My dad asked me to record a disc with some 'sounds' of the Fort that people have heard from time to time. They included a bugle, marching, horse whinny and others. My friend John and I hid behind buildings, in the breastworks (dugouts since the fort couldn't build wood walls) and such.
It was in the breastworks near the fort Jail that I took a turn for the worse. I tripped and ripped up my knee. No blood, since its all on the inside. I can't even walk on my knee at this point. But, I'm going to offer it up and hopefully I won't need to go to the Dr. tomorrow... but if i do, I will. IN fact, an X-ray or two couldn't hurt. I do think there is some damage under the kneecap, as I can't turn it or walk on it.
After the campfire stories, the crew went on a lantern tour to tour the buildings and the grounds. This is where I enter the story. My dad asked me to record a disc with some 'sounds' of the Fort that people have heard from time to time. They included a bugle, marching, horse whinny and others. My friend John and I hid behind buildings, in the breastworks (dugouts since the fort couldn't build wood walls) and such.
It was in the breastworks near the fort Jail that I took a turn for the worse. I tripped and ripped up my knee. No blood, since its all on the inside. I can't even walk on my knee at this point. But, I'm going to offer it up and hopefully I won't need to go to the Dr. tomorrow... but if i do, I will. IN fact, an X-ray or two couldn't hurt. I do think there is some damage under the kneecap, as I can't turn it or walk on it.
Just thought I would share with you the latest and greatest floop that has happened to me! haha. Have a great day! I'm sure i'll be on my couch all day.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Well, my goals of updating daily and having some fun things posted has failed miserably this summer, as has my morning exercise routine. Hopefully once the routine of school has set in, things will be 'good' again. haha
So an update on the parents, they are doing well. Mom didn't have surgery, but at this point, we're taking it as a blessing. Dad still needs some work on his back, and we're taking that as it comes.
My garden has produced wonderful cucumbers and it looks like the crop will be great for Watermelons, pumpkins, squash and tomatoes! Sadly, my strawberries aren't producing and I'm going to dig them up and put them in my basement for the winter and see if anything comes of them. I'm also not so sure about my celery and my onions. I hope they do well. OH! I forgot about my peppers! My green Jalepenos are doing wonderful and the belle peppers (red and yellow) are coming slow but sure. I'm hoping that I have lots of peppers to spice up my fall and winter! Apple tree is doing well, too. I will have some great apples for pies and i'm hoping to try my go-round at pie making and applesauce making. I have a sauce recipe that I hope will be great.
I have the blessing as of late to be a gracious host to some friends that need a place to crash. Its a great thing to be 'in need' and to do wonderful things for people. My friends that have needed a place to crash have been very thankful for the bed and I've been very grateful to God for being able to host people. Praise the Lord!
Ranching has been keeping me busy as well. I have been out haying and hopefully we will have enough hay stored up for winter for the cows.
My aunt's inlaws are having a family reunion at Fort Sisseton State Park, about 8 miles from my house. My dad is going to go out there this evening and tell Ghost stories about the Fort. (there are many!) and I'm going to play 'backup' and have some sound affects hidden around the corners! hehe... I'm so evil!
Well, off to wash dishes and enjoy this wonderful Saturday! Praise God for such great days such as this. These are the days I long for all winter.
School starts in a week, so its time to hunker down and get ready. I'm working on writing lesson plans and planning exactly what is going to go on for the first week. Once the first week is over, its smooth sailing!
Speaking of school, I got an "A" and a "B" respectively in my graduate classes this summer. Praise the Lord! I was really worried about my graduate research class.
If you get a moment, check out my friend Jen's blog, www.jenericheath.blogspot.com. She's way better at updating and has some awesome pictures.
Well, off to enjoy a perfect day made in the Lord!
So an update on the parents, they are doing well. Mom didn't have surgery, but at this point, we're taking it as a blessing. Dad still needs some work on his back, and we're taking that as it comes.
My garden has produced wonderful cucumbers and it looks like the crop will be great for Watermelons, pumpkins, squash and tomatoes! Sadly, my strawberries aren't producing and I'm going to dig them up and put them in my basement for the winter and see if anything comes of them. I'm also not so sure about my celery and my onions. I hope they do well. OH! I forgot about my peppers! My green Jalepenos are doing wonderful and the belle peppers (red and yellow) are coming slow but sure. I'm hoping that I have lots of peppers to spice up my fall and winter! Apple tree is doing well, too. I will have some great apples for pies and i'm hoping to try my go-round at pie making and applesauce making. I have a sauce recipe that I hope will be great.
I have the blessing as of late to be a gracious host to some friends that need a place to crash. Its a great thing to be 'in need' and to do wonderful things for people. My friends that have needed a place to crash have been very thankful for the bed and I've been very grateful to God for being able to host people. Praise the Lord!
Ranching has been keeping me busy as well. I have been out haying and hopefully we will have enough hay stored up for winter for the cows.
My aunt's inlaws are having a family reunion at Fort Sisseton State Park, about 8 miles from my house. My dad is going to go out there this evening and tell Ghost stories about the Fort. (there are many!) and I'm going to play 'backup' and have some sound affects hidden around the corners! hehe... I'm so evil!
Well, off to wash dishes and enjoy this wonderful Saturday! Praise God for such great days such as this. These are the days I long for all winter.
School starts in a week, so its time to hunker down and get ready. I'm working on writing lesson plans and planning exactly what is going to go on for the first week. Once the first week is over, its smooth sailing!
Speaking of school, I got an "A" and a "B" respectively in my graduate classes this summer. Praise the Lord! I was really worried about my graduate research class.
If you get a moment, check out my friend Jen's blog, www.jenericheath.blogspot.com. She's way better at updating and has some awesome pictures.
Well, off to enjoy a perfect day made in the Lord!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sorry again for the delay. I haven't had a lot of time lately, and my messy house proves it!
My mom and dad have both been pretty sick lately. Mom has some heart troubles and my dad has a ruptured disk in his back. Mom was scheduled for heart surgery today, but at the last minute, it was called off. I don't know exactly why, but I do know it is not because she's better than expected. She has more blockages building and i'm suspecting they are planning on waiting and doing them all at once. Please pray for her and also for her return to the Church.
Dad's ruptured disk started in March when a cow took him when he was trying to help her. Now, he's in a lot of pain. He has an ear infection, which until its cleared up, can't get the 'miracle shot' that is supposed to help his back. If the shot doesn't work, he will need major back surgery.
SO... thats pretty much the skinny lately. I need to get pictures of the garden, yard, flowers and patio loaded. Soon and very soon, i promise.
Have a great night.
My mom and dad have both been pretty sick lately. Mom has some heart troubles and my dad has a ruptured disk in his back. Mom was scheduled for heart surgery today, but at the last minute, it was called off. I don't know exactly why, but I do know it is not because she's better than expected. She has more blockages building and i'm suspecting they are planning on waiting and doing them all at once. Please pray for her and also for her return to the Church.
Dad's ruptured disk started in March when a cow took him when he was trying to help her. Now, he's in a lot of pain. He has an ear infection, which until its cleared up, can't get the 'miracle shot' that is supposed to help his back. If the shot doesn't work, he will need major back surgery.
SO... thats pretty much the skinny lately. I need to get pictures of the garden, yard, flowers and patio loaded. Soon and very soon, i promise.
Have a great night.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I apologize for not posting as regular as I said I was going to. As it turns out, my computer has been blocking cookies, which has been preventing my ability to get into blogger. Expect a blog today about my new granite patio and building it.
I'm off to take my puppy to the vet. Be back later!
I'm off to take my puppy to the vet. Be back later!
Great Song Lyrics...
There's more that rises in the morning Than the sun
And more that shines in the night Than just the moon
It's more than just this fire here That keeps me warm
In a shelter that is larger Than this room
And there's a loyalty that's deeper Than mere sentiments
And a music higher than the songs That I can sing
The stuff of Earth competes For the allegiance
I owe only to the giver Of all good things
CHORUS: So if I stand let me stand on the promise
That you will pull me through
And if I can't, let me fall on the grace
That first brought me to You
And if I sing let me sing for the joy
That has born in me these songs
And if I weep let it be as a man
Who is longing for his home
There's more that dances on the prairies Than the wind
More that pulses in the ocean Than the tide
There's a love that is fiercer Than the love between friends
More gentle than a mother's When her baby's at her side
And there's a loyalty that's deeper Than mere sentiments
And a music higher than the songs That I can sing
The stuff of Earth competes For the allegiance
I owe only to the Giver Of all good things
CHORUS: So if I stand let me stand on the promise
That you will pull me through
And if I can't, let me fall on the grace
That first brought me to You
And if I sing let me sing for the joy
That has born in me these songs
And if I weep let it be as a man
Who is longing for his home
Lord Jesus, if I stand, let me stand on the promise that you will pull me through. If I can't, let me fall on the grace that first brought me to you. If I sing let me sing for the joy, that has born in me these songs. And if I weep, let it be as a man who is longing for his home. Amen!
And more that shines in the night Than just the moon
It's more than just this fire here That keeps me warm
In a shelter that is larger Than this room
And there's a loyalty that's deeper Than mere sentiments
And a music higher than the songs That I can sing
The stuff of Earth competes For the allegiance
I owe only to the giver Of all good things
CHORUS: So if I stand let me stand on the promise
That you will pull me through
And if I can't, let me fall on the grace
That first brought me to You
And if I sing let me sing for the joy
That has born in me these songs
And if I weep let it be as a man
Who is longing for his home
There's more that dances on the prairies Than the wind
More that pulses in the ocean Than the tide
There's a love that is fiercer Than the love between friends
More gentle than a mother's When her baby's at her side
And there's a loyalty that's deeper Than mere sentiments
And a music higher than the songs That I can sing
The stuff of Earth competes For the allegiance
I owe only to the Giver Of all good things
CHORUS: So if I stand let me stand on the promise
That you will pull me through
And if I can't, let me fall on the grace
That first brought me to You
And if I sing let me sing for the joy
That has born in me these songs
And if I weep let it be as a man
Who is longing for his home
Lord Jesus, if I stand, let me stand on the promise that you will pull me through. If I can't, let me fall on the grace that first brought me to you. If I sing let me sing for the joy, that has born in me these songs. And if I weep, let it be as a man who is longing for his home. Amen!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
better late than never!
Well folks, it looks like time is getting away from me lately!
My garden is finally starting to grow. It was so cold here in May and early June that the garden was sort of catatonic and not really interested in growing. Now, we've had about 2 weeks of really nice weather. A few days were 'hot' but most were just pleasantly warm. Luckily, it was enough to spur some growth! yay! I have blossoms on my pumpkins and it looks like 2 of my tomato plants are goin to be spitting forth blossoms soon. My strawberries, however, look like they need some emergency help. I'm trusting in God to do so! haha.
What else is new in my life? Well, I visited a friend of mine, Fr. DeWayne Kayser in Britton. He showed me his new patio he made in his backyard with scrap granite. It looks awesome. I'm hoping to do the same in my yard soon. Its free granite from a local granite company that has a 'reject' pile. Its going to be a challenge to get enough granite home, due to its weight, but it will sure be a fun challenge! This is going to replace my ideas for a deck addition. I think it will be a nice space and will add character to the yard. Now the question is, do i do this in the front yard or the back yard? My front yard has more privacy, but my backyard is the typical space for a patio and its a space that is under-used. Time will tell what I do with this space.
My garden shed is yet to be built. I haven't necessarily had the time, nor the supplies or "Mazaska," which is Dakota language for money. I have some scrap lumber lined up and hopefully that will do wonders for me. I figure I just need to pick a place for the shed and get some railroad ties for base and get started. I have a perfect spot in my mind, but there is one problem... there is an apple tree there! haha. What does a person do?? chop down the apple tree? pick a different location? hmm.. another question to ponder.
I started my Masters during June. I am taking 2 classes, SPED 703 and EDER 761. the SPED class is done July 2nd and the EDER class is done August 1st. Good stuff. Luckily for me, the school is paying for me to get my Master's right now and its great. I really do appreciate their willingness and the efforts put forth by the school. They have been a great community to work with and have given me great opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Well, thats about enough to bother you with for now. I'm off to play organ for a 10 year ordination celebration for Fr. DeWayne Kayser. I wish him many more years as a faithful priest of God! AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM!
My garden is finally starting to grow. It was so cold here in May and early June that the garden was sort of catatonic and not really interested in growing. Now, we've had about 2 weeks of really nice weather. A few days were 'hot' but most were just pleasantly warm. Luckily, it was enough to spur some growth! yay! I have blossoms on my pumpkins and it looks like 2 of my tomato plants are goin to be spitting forth blossoms soon. My strawberries, however, look like they need some emergency help. I'm trusting in God to do so! haha.
What else is new in my life? Well, I visited a friend of mine, Fr. DeWayne Kayser in Britton. He showed me his new patio he made in his backyard with scrap granite. It looks awesome. I'm hoping to do the same in my yard soon. Its free granite from a local granite company that has a 'reject' pile. Its going to be a challenge to get enough granite home, due to its weight, but it will sure be a fun challenge! This is going to replace my ideas for a deck addition. I think it will be a nice space and will add character to the yard. Now the question is, do i do this in the front yard or the back yard? My front yard has more privacy, but my backyard is the typical space for a patio and its a space that is under-used. Time will tell what I do with this space.
My garden shed is yet to be built. I haven't necessarily had the time, nor the supplies or "Mazaska," which is Dakota language for money. I have some scrap lumber lined up and hopefully that will do wonders for me. I figure I just need to pick a place for the shed and get some railroad ties for base and get started. I have a perfect spot in my mind, but there is one problem... there is an apple tree there! haha. What does a person do?? chop down the apple tree? pick a different location? hmm.. another question to ponder.
I started my Masters during June. I am taking 2 classes, SPED 703 and EDER 761. the SPED class is done July 2nd and the EDER class is done August 1st. Good stuff. Luckily for me, the school is paying for me to get my Master's right now and its great. I really do appreciate their willingness and the efforts put forth by the school. They have been a great community to work with and have given me great opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Well, thats about enough to bother you with for now. I'm off to play organ for a 10 year ordination celebration for Fr. DeWayne Kayser. I wish him many more years as a faithful priest of God! AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM!
Monday, June 2, 2008
As promised earlier today, here are some garden pictures:
Here's a view of the whole garden. See the hose and the sprinkler all ready to water!
Here's the north side of the garden with the bird bath and some plants that are wiating to be put in the ground. The larger of the two containers are pumpkins from North Carolina, so i'm wiating for super warm weather to plant it. The smaller container is melons. I'm waiting to see how big the other plants around there get so i know where to put them.

See my pretty lilac bushes? this is what I love about my back yard. I'm hopingt o enjoy them in the summer more and more! They aren't fully bloomed yet, just a bloom here and a bloom there.
Well, more on the placement of the garden shed later. Maybe y'all can vote for your favorite location and make the decision easier for me?

Here's the existing deck out back of my garage. My plan is to pretty much leave it, except take the railings off the front and add the new part of the deck further out. See that garden cart further out? thats about as far out as I'd go.

Here's a closer up view of that area. The cart and tree would be just beyond the end of the new deck.

Well, more on the placement of the garden shed later. Maybe y'all can vote for your favorite location and make the decision easier for me?
Only I would require 3 satellite trucks...

I had dish network satellite installed today. Only I would require 3 vehicles (2 vans and a pickup) to install ONE dish and a 2-tv receiver! haha...
But seriously, it wasn't that bad. Only the orange van was here for my call. The other two vehicles were here to get parts from the orange truck.
Eden, SD is literally in the middle of nowhere, it seems. Ironic that there is a "DISH INSTALLER CONVENTION" in my driveway! haha.
Oh the joy of the day! Oh if it weren't raining, i'd get pictures of the garden. We need the rain, though!
Gardens, Sheds and decks!
Greetings all. I have been absolutely horrible about updating my blog as of late. I've yet to figure out what this blog is going to be all about, other than me. I am a simple country boy who tries to live out his Catholic faith and continue his rodeo'in, ranchin' and country livin' the best I can.
Today's blog entry (obviously the first in many months!) is going to be about the joys of home ownership. My father and I recently signed a Purchase agreement for my grandparent's home. Its a 1977 ranch-style bungalow.
I planted a garden. I don't have pictures as of yet, but I will update as soon as I can.
I'm also working on building a garden shed to keep my mower and everything in. I'm not sure the exact size or anything, but i'm planning on doing it 'green' by using as much recycled items as possible. I'm also going to put some windows in it, so that I don't have to put any lighting in.
There are also future plans to expand my back deck. It shouldn't take too much work, but i'm hoping to have it done soon. I have lilac bush out back and would love the deck to expand near that. I also hope to begin morning time out on that deck. It will be exciting!
Well, stay tuned. I will load pictures of my projects as soon as I can!
Today's blog entry (obviously the first in many months!) is going to be about the joys of home ownership. My father and I recently signed a Purchase agreement for my grandparent's home. Its a 1977 ranch-style bungalow.
I planted a garden. I don't have pictures as of yet, but I will update as soon as I can.
I'm also working on building a garden shed to keep my mower and everything in. I'm not sure the exact size or anything, but i'm planning on doing it 'green' by using as much recycled items as possible. I'm also going to put some windows in it, so that I don't have to put any lighting in.
There are also future plans to expand my back deck. It shouldn't take too much work, but i'm hoping to have it done soon. I have lilac bush out back and would love the deck to expand near that. I also hope to begin morning time out on that deck. It will be exciting!
Well, stay tuned. I will load pictures of my projects as soon as I can!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here. He is Risen!"

ALLELUIA! Happy Easter!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Major decisions!
I have major decisions in my future. Northern State University has offered me a job in their center for Statewide E-Learning. My school has offered me my contract back as well. I have to decide which job is the one that God wants me to have. I have decided to make a pro/cons list to share with you and see which you decide is worth it:
Northern State University:
University Job.
Stable employment
Chances to share faith and such
daily mass/adoration opportunities
My girlfriend lives here
Chance to 'get out on my own' away from my family
I won't have be at this job forever.
more people to spend time with.
Master's classes are right next door to my office.
As is the ability to get other teaching accreditations
Groceries are cheaper, more choices for food, more often.
drive only a few blocks to work, thus saving gas
could go back to my old doctor that recently moved to aberdeen.
My family isn't there.
Its not teaching.
I'd have to move.
Its virtually the same pay that i'm making now
loans won't be forgiven while working there, thus more of my pay is going to go towards loan payments.
further away from Latin Masses
Costs less to live here.
House is already ready for me to buy, no need to find a place.
Small town living at its finest.
Ranch is here.
I will be working with kids full-time.
I can get a Master's for virtually free
I have some student loans getting paid off while teaching up here.
I really enjoy my job!
closer to Latin Masses and the Interstate
My girlfriend isn't here.
Not many people to visit with here.
Very little faith sharing/support
No daily Mass on a regular basis here.
gets lonely
Dont' get to TLM's anyways because no one to go with.
drive 30 miles to work a day already, thus wasting gas and $$.
still looking for a new primary care doctor.
So there. there are a lot of decisions to make and choices to decide upon. I'm going to offer them up to God and let it be done according to his will.
Amen, so be it.
I have major decisions in my future. Northern State University has offered me a job in their center for Statewide E-Learning. My school has offered me my contract back as well. I have to decide which job is the one that God wants me to have. I have decided to make a pro/cons list to share with you and see which you decide is worth it:
Northern State University:
University Job.
Stable employment
Chances to share faith and such
daily mass/adoration opportunities
My girlfriend lives here
Chance to 'get out on my own' away from my family
I won't have be at this job forever.
more people to spend time with.
Master's classes are right next door to my office.
As is the ability to get other teaching accreditations
Groceries are cheaper, more choices for food, more often.
drive only a few blocks to work, thus saving gas
could go back to my old doctor that recently moved to aberdeen.
My family isn't there.
Its not teaching.
I'd have to move.
Its virtually the same pay that i'm making now
loans won't be forgiven while working there, thus more of my pay is going to go towards loan payments.
further away from Latin Masses
Costs less to live here.
House is already ready for me to buy, no need to find a place.
Small town living at its finest.
Ranch is here.
I will be working with kids full-time.
I can get a Master's for virtually free
I have some student loans getting paid off while teaching up here.
I really enjoy my job!
closer to Latin Masses and the Interstate
My girlfriend isn't here.
Not many people to visit with here.
Very little faith sharing/support
No daily Mass on a regular basis here.
gets lonely
Dont' get to TLM's anyways because no one to go with.
drive 30 miles to work a day already, thus wasting gas and $$.
still looking for a new primary care doctor.
So there. there are a lot of decisions to make and choices to decide upon. I'm going to offer them up to God and let it be done according to his will.
Amen, so be it.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Palm Sunday
Hello once again. Today is Palm Sunday, the day that begins Holy Week. At Mass today, we will hear two Gospels and recount at the first one Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem on a Donkey, with the crowds waving palm branches and praising him saying, "Hosanna to the Son of David, the King of Israel!" and then not 15 minutes later, we will have a Gospel reading about Jesus' suffering and death. It is definitely a Sunday of mixed emotions. First we celebrate our Lord, then we suffer with him.
Anyways, before I go, I want to share this parody picture with you, courtesy of the Curt Jester.

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Time gets away from a person!
Hello again from the Country boy!
It has been since Ash Wednesday that I have posted. Thats nearly 40 days! Have I been out in the desert? No, not exactly. Have I been out on the ranch? As time allows, yes. Have I been entirely away from technology and the way of the computer? no. I have been very busy with my school year, that is all.
As a special education teacher, it is the time of year that paperwork is inundating lives, especailly with IEP's coming due for renewal and other meetings and such. It is also the time of year teachers are referring kids for services like crazy. This is all good stuff, though. It means we are meeting the needs of children and attempting to do our best to serve them as they need to be served... even if the paperwork is crazy!
I have also been a Destination Imagination coach at our school (see www.idodi.org) My group of girls (5 3rd graders, 1 4th grader and 1 5th grader) competed at the regional competition on March 8th in Aberdeen, SD. We received first place for our performance and are heading on to state competition April 5th in Pierre, SD. This is definitely good news! I'm proud of my girls. There will be a picture of their acheivements in the Sota Iya Ye Yapi, the newspaper of the Sisseton- Wahpeton Oyate. If I haven't told you, I teach at a tribal school on the Lake Traverse Dakota Indian Reservation in northeastern South Dakota.
ANYWAYS... contracts were renewed last week at school and I am hired on for another year! I just wish I knew what next year would bring for me. This year I started out teaching Kindergarten, and then was asked to move to special education. It has been a great learning experience, but I really wish I could be in a regular education classroom again in the fall. I do miss the children and the daily grind. Not that special education is boring! haha
ANYWAYS... calving has begun on the ranch and we have lost a couple. Yesterday I was at the ranch and my brother had taken a calf into the basement of the house because the mother hadn't claimed it yet. The poor calf didn't make it. I'm sure there will be several late nights creeping upon me where I will have the pleasure of checking cattle at 11:00pm with Pa and brother and hauling calves in by the sled full with the 4-wheeler.
I'm dealing on a cutting horse, so that I can help with moving/sorting cattle. Little do brother and Pa know that I'm doing this. I think having a good horse around again will be beneficial. I hate 4-wheelers with a passion. Let the record show that.
Holy Week is upon us starting tomorrow with Palm Sunday. It is definitely going to be a busy and interesting week. I'm not sure exactly what I will be doing and where, but I pray that it will be a good time for me and for all. I need to get deeper into my relationship with Jesus again. I'm sure Jesus keeps saying to me, "I'm right here!!" and I need to listen to that voice more often.
Well, I tried to get the bolt off of my oil pan so I could change the oil in my jeep, and I was very unsuccessful. I'll just take it into the shop on Monday, I guess... maybe I will give it another try tomorrow. We'll see.
Until then!
It has been since Ash Wednesday that I have posted. Thats nearly 40 days! Have I been out in the desert? No, not exactly. Have I been out on the ranch? As time allows, yes. Have I been entirely away from technology and the way of the computer? no. I have been very busy with my school year, that is all.
As a special education teacher, it is the time of year that paperwork is inundating lives, especailly with IEP's coming due for renewal and other meetings and such. It is also the time of year teachers are referring kids for services like crazy. This is all good stuff, though. It means we are meeting the needs of children and attempting to do our best to serve them as they need to be served... even if the paperwork is crazy!
I have also been a Destination Imagination coach at our school (see www.idodi.org) My group of girls (5 3rd graders, 1 4th grader and 1 5th grader) competed at the regional competition on March 8th in Aberdeen, SD. We received first place for our performance and are heading on to state competition April 5th in Pierre, SD. This is definitely good news! I'm proud of my girls. There will be a picture of their acheivements in the Sota Iya Ye Yapi, the newspaper of the Sisseton- Wahpeton Oyate. If I haven't told you, I teach at a tribal school on the Lake Traverse Dakota Indian Reservation in northeastern South Dakota.
ANYWAYS... contracts were renewed last week at school and I am hired on for another year! I just wish I knew what next year would bring for me. This year I started out teaching Kindergarten, and then was asked to move to special education. It has been a great learning experience, but I really wish I could be in a regular education classroom again in the fall. I do miss the children and the daily grind. Not that special education is boring! haha
ANYWAYS... calving has begun on the ranch and we have lost a couple. Yesterday I was at the ranch and my brother had taken a calf into the basement of the house because the mother hadn't claimed it yet. The poor calf didn't make it. I'm sure there will be several late nights creeping upon me where I will have the pleasure of checking cattle at 11:00pm with Pa and brother and hauling calves in by the sled full with the 4-wheeler.
I'm dealing on a cutting horse, so that I can help with moving/sorting cattle. Little do brother and Pa know that I'm doing this. I think having a good horse around again will be beneficial. I hate 4-wheelers with a passion. Let the record show that.
Holy Week is upon us starting tomorrow with Palm Sunday. It is definitely going to be a busy and interesting week. I'm not sure exactly what I will be doing and where, but I pray that it will be a good time for me and for all. I need to get deeper into my relationship with Jesus again. I'm sure Jesus keeps saying to me, "I'm right here!!" and I need to listen to that voice more often.
Well, I tried to get the bolt off of my oil pan so I could change the oil in my jeep, and I was very unsuccessful. I'll just take it into the shop on Monday, I guess... maybe I will give it another try tomorrow. We'll see.
Until then!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The thing I love about those books is that the themes of "Love conquers all" and "no greater love is there than to lay down ones life for a friend" are central themes.
Harry is constantly seeking to help others before himself, and that makes his power greater than the selfish dark lord... I'm not such a fan of wizardry and such, but the books never delve into any sort of worship beyond hero worship and it seems that their magical world is very secular, but just magical.
Good reading, if one keeps the theme of love in Mind!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So today the weatherman is teling me that #1, its going to be -5 for a high. That sounds wrong! and #2, that the wind chills are putting the temp more like -40 for a high. Also, sounds very wrong. How can a number below zero be considered a high?? must mean we're crazy cold up here in SD! I would love to be staying home today, but school is in session, so off I go. I will update later and let you know what the drive was like. I'm hoping uneventful and WARM in my jeep!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Once again, we are below zero. They say it is supposed to warm up soon, but I'm not completely sold on that thought! I do want it to warm up, but i'm just not sure when they say its gong to warm up that it really is going to.
On my way to school today, my jeep's thermometer said -15. BRR! Thats cold! Plus, there was a major wind chill, that put us around -30! BRR!! (have i said that enough?)
I saw a local rancher has his cattle out in the pasture this time of year. Those poor animals without any wind break! I'm not usually one to say 'oh poor animals' because I know they are way tougher than us humans would ever think of being, but seeing these cows... I said brr!
Well, I had some a free spots to day at school and we are short subs, so i cancelled some of my speech therapy and filled in where I could, how i could. It was a good day. NOw, i'm jsut doing a couple more speech kids and then I work with my Destnation Imagination kids after school and I'm off for home around 5pm! This is good, because I have a lot of cleaning to do at my house and some packing to do for this weekend. I am taking a group of kids to a DI meet on Saturday. We're leaving school at the wonderful hour of 6:30AM! aren't we nuts?? haha. We have a 2.5 hour drive ahead of us and need to be at our location around 9:00am. I think we'll make it!
Well, I should go for now. The kid I'm working with is almost done with her computer game. No, I didn't just randomly pick one, I have some speech-related games that have the kids work on goals. Its a good thing to have. They like the computer more than me and it keeps their interest much more than I ever could!
On my way to school today, my jeep's thermometer said -15. BRR! Thats cold! Plus, there was a major wind chill, that put us around -30! BRR!! (have i said that enough?)
I saw a local rancher has his cattle out in the pasture this time of year. Those poor animals without any wind break! I'm not usually one to say 'oh poor animals' because I know they are way tougher than us humans would ever think of being, but seeing these cows... I said brr!
Well, I had some a free spots to day at school and we are short subs, so i cancelled some of my speech therapy and filled in where I could, how i could. It was a good day. NOw, i'm jsut doing a couple more speech kids and then I work with my Destnation Imagination kids after school and I'm off for home around 5pm! This is good, because I have a lot of cleaning to do at my house and some packing to do for this weekend. I am taking a group of kids to a DI meet on Saturday. We're leaving school at the wonderful hour of 6:30AM! aren't we nuts?? haha. We have a 2.5 hour drive ahead of us and need to be at our location around 9:00am. I think we'll make it!
Well, I should go for now. The kid I'm working with is almost done with her computer game. No, I didn't just randomly pick one, I have some speech-related games that have the kids work on goals. Its a good thing to have. They like the computer more than me and it keeps their interest much more than I ever could!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Up to his shoulder in a cow...
Well, I meant to write on Saturday night, but I fell asleep. I was rather tired!
It was cold out! (as in negative something!) and what was I doing? Was Icuddled up with my blankie and a cup of hot chocolate, watching something good on television? Was I in a warm place visiting with friends? Was I doing anything that involved being warm? NO! I was out chopping water tanks open with an axe and helping my dad with a cow that was calving.
Yes, we have a cow calving in January! Crazy, I know. My brother purchased some bred heifers and some older bred cows, knowing that they would calf early, and hoping that he could save the calves and then sell them early and turn a profit. Anyways, good theories, but not fun when it is below Zero.
Needless today, my brother wasn't home to watch his cows. He was helping at the sale barn. Dad was at the sale barn, too. This left me to tend to the ranch. No, it didn't disintegrate under my watch, nor did Hell or the ranch freeze over... but it was close on the ranch! Anyaways, I found the cow that was starting to give birth. She didn't look just right, so I called dad, who was the sale barn, remember. He came home immediately (which translates into a half hour later) and we watched the cow for a long time. Dad was hopeful that something might change and she would give birth on her own.. no such luck.
Around 6:30pm he told me that we better start working on her. He called the neighbor, Glen, for backup. I was the lucky fool who held the light and the tail. Those two lucky fools took turns going inside of her to try and find the calf. Much to their double dismay, there were twins. Both were backwards. Yucky! So, Dad and Glen worked for 2 hours, but they got the calves out. Sadly, neither lived.
We were so cold, and Dad and Glen moreso than me (since I wasn't up to my shoulder in a cow), so off to the house to warm up after that experience.
I read the blog "Pioneer Woman" every day. It is a lady named Ree from Texas. She lives on a cattle and horse ranch with her husband, whom she calls "Marlboro Man." I mention her only because this post reminds me of her and hopefully is something that she doesn't get the priviledge of helping with! haha.
Well, off to my work. I'm lucky to be a teacher in a nice warm building during the day!
It was cold out! (as in negative something!) and what was I doing? Was Icuddled up with my blankie and a cup of hot chocolate, watching something good on television? Was I in a warm place visiting with friends? Was I doing anything that involved being warm? NO! I was out chopping water tanks open with an axe and helping my dad with a cow that was calving.
Yes, we have a cow calving in January! Crazy, I know. My brother purchased some bred heifers and some older bred cows, knowing that they would calf early, and hoping that he could save the calves and then sell them early and turn a profit. Anyways, good theories, but not fun when it is below Zero.
Needless today, my brother wasn't home to watch his cows. He was helping at the sale barn. Dad was at the sale barn, too. This left me to tend to the ranch. No, it didn't disintegrate under my watch, nor did Hell or the ranch freeze over... but it was close on the ranch! Anyaways, I found the cow that was starting to give birth. She didn't look just right, so I called dad, who was the sale barn, remember. He came home immediately (which translates into a half hour later) and we watched the cow for a long time. Dad was hopeful that something might change and she would give birth on her own.. no such luck.
Around 6:30pm he told me that we better start working on her. He called the neighbor, Glen, for backup. I was the lucky fool who held the light and the tail. Those two lucky fools took turns going inside of her to try and find the calf. Much to their double dismay, there were twins. Both were backwards. Yucky! So, Dad and Glen worked for 2 hours, but they got the calves out. Sadly, neither lived.
We were so cold, and Dad and Glen moreso than me (since I wasn't up to my shoulder in a cow), so off to the house to warm up after that experience.
I read the blog "Pioneer Woman" every day. It is a lady named Ree from Texas. She lives on a cattle and horse ranch with her husband, whom she calls "Marlboro Man." I mention her only because this post reminds me of her and hopefully is something that she doesn't get the priviledge of helping with! haha.
Well, off to my work. I'm lucky to be a teacher in a nice warm building during the day!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Updates in life....
What has been going on in my life? Oh not a whole lot of excitement. I thoguht I would just fill you in.
We are back in session at school and things are going as good as can be expected.
Life is good too. I am working on getting over a sinus infection, but other than that, things are going well.
Just thought I'd check in. More to talk about later. I have a long weekend so hopefully I will post.
We are back in session at school and things are going as good as can be expected.
Life is good too. I am working on getting over a sinus infection, but other than that, things are going well.
Just thought I'd check in. More to talk about later. I have a long weekend so hopefully I will post.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
The Reverence of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Greetings one and all, Happy Feast of St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory the Great! Also, Happy New Year 2008!
I write this post today because I wish to share with you the reverence I was priviledged to be a part of during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on New Year's Eve, Vigil Mass for the Feast of Mary, Mother of God. The Celebrant was the Reverend Monsignor Charles Martin Mangan, STL. He is a priest of our diocese that has been serving in the Sacred Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life at the Vatican.
Monsignor Mangan served a very reverent and Holy Mass, pausing from time to time during Mass to collect his thoughts and remain in prayer with the Lord. One could tell this Mass was a love affair between priest and God, not just a duty he needed to perform and move on. Msgr Mangan even took the time to pause from purifying vessels after communion, allowing the Deacon time to put Jesus in the Tabernacle. Msgr. turned, following with his eyes as the deacon took Jesus to the tabernacle and then genuflecting in unision with Deacon Kelley, and then returning to the purifying. It was like Msgr was watching his true love return to their place of honor. It was just wonderful.
A couple other points from Msgr's homily- When we say "Mary," She says, "Jesus." Which unites our and her prayers and points them to Jesus! Also, we need to make the Rosary our weapon, in which we fight the spiritual battles that are always present.
Thank you, Monsignor for a very Holy and reverent Mass. It was very refreshing!
I write this post today because I wish to share with you the reverence I was priviledged to be a part of during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on New Year's Eve, Vigil Mass for the Feast of Mary, Mother of God. The Celebrant was the Reverend Monsignor Charles Martin Mangan, STL. He is a priest of our diocese that has been serving in the Sacred Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life at the Vatican.
Monsignor Mangan served a very reverent and Holy Mass, pausing from time to time during Mass to collect his thoughts and remain in prayer with the Lord. One could tell this Mass was a love affair between priest and God, not just a duty he needed to perform and move on. Msgr Mangan even took the time to pause from purifying vessels after communion, allowing the Deacon time to put Jesus in the Tabernacle. Msgr. turned, following with his eyes as the deacon took Jesus to the tabernacle and then genuflecting in unision with Deacon Kelley, and then returning to the purifying. It was like Msgr was watching his true love return to their place of honor. It was just wonderful.
A couple other points from Msgr's homily- When we say "Mary," She says, "Jesus." Which unites our and her prayers and points them to Jesus! Also, we need to make the Rosary our weapon, in which we fight the spiritual battles that are always present.
Thank you, Monsignor for a very Holy and reverent Mass. It was very refreshing!
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