As promised earlier today, here are some garden pictures:

Here's a view of the whole garden. See the hose and the sprinkler all ready to water!

Here's the north side of the garden with the bird bath and some plants that are wiating to be put in the ground. The larger of the two containers are pumpkins from North Carolina, so i'm wiating for super warm weather to plant it. The smaller container is melons. I'm waiting to see how big the other plants around there get so i know where to put them.

Here's the existing deck out back of my garage. My plan is to pretty much leave it, except take the railings off the front and add the new part of the deck further out. See that garden cart further out? thats about as far out as I'd go.
Here's a closer up view of that area. The cart and tree would be just beyond the end of the new deck.

See my pretty lilac bushes? this is what I love about my back yard. I'm hopingt o enjoy them in the summer more and more! They aren't fully bloomed yet, just a bloom here and a bloom there.
Well, more on the placement of the garden shed later. Maybe y'all can vote for your favorite location and make the decision easier for me?
Love the pic on the sidebar! Haha. Awesome. So how are you likin' TZ? Kick butt garden. I have one also but if I posted a pic of it, someone may cry.
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