Well, I meant to write on Saturday night, but I fell asleep. I was rather tired!
It was cold out! (as in negative something!) and what was I doing? Was Icuddled up with my blankie and a cup of hot chocolate, watching something good on television? Was I in a warm place visiting with friends? Was I doing anything that involved being warm? NO! I was out chopping water tanks open with an axe and helping my dad with a cow that was calving.
Yes, we have a cow calving in January! Crazy, I know. My brother purchased some bred heifers and some older bred cows, knowing that they would calf early, and hoping that he could save the calves and then sell them early and turn a profit. Anyways, good theories, but not fun when it is below Zero.
Needless today, my brother wasn't home to watch his cows. He was helping at the sale barn. Dad was at the sale barn, too. This left me to tend to the ranch. No, it didn't disintegrate under my watch, nor did Hell or the ranch freeze over... but it was close on the ranch! Anyaways, I found the cow that was starting to give birth. She didn't look just right, so I called dad, who was the sale barn, remember. He came home immediately (which translates into a half hour later) and we watched the cow for a long time. Dad was hopeful that something might change and she would give birth on her own.. no such luck.
Around 6:30pm he told me that we better start working on her. He called the neighbor, Glen, for backup. I was the lucky fool who held the light and the tail. Those two lucky fools took turns going inside of her to try and find the calf. Much to their double dismay, there were twins. Both were backwards. Yucky! So, Dad and Glen worked for 2 hours, but they got the calves out. Sadly, neither lived.
We were so cold, and Dad and Glen moreso than me (since I wasn't up to my shoulder in a cow), so off to the house to warm up after that experience.
I read the blog "
Pioneer Woman" every day. It is a lady named Ree from Texas. She lives on a cattle and horse ranch with her husband, whom she calls "Marlboro Man." I mention her only because this post reminds me of her and hopefully is something that she doesn't get the priviledge of helping with! haha.
Well, off to my work. I'm lucky to be a teacher in a nice warm building during the day!